Swag Bags - Bright Eyes

Swag Bags - Bright Eyes
Bright Eyes is available in 5, 10 or 30 packs.
Well Hello Bright Eyes! This glorious Single Origin bean from Honduras will have you feeling bright eyed & bushy tailed - ready to take on the day with confidence and a spring in your stride.
Bright Eyes is a dark roast bean that sits comfortably in its own space, between our signature Six Toe Stride (medium roast) and our Plucking Strong (DARK roast). These brew bags are one of the best inventions to hit speciality coffee in years, that’s our opinion anyway and we are confident you’ll agree.
Emu Coffee’s brew bags a.k.a Swag Bags are the ultra convenient choice because there’s absolutely no brewing equipment required and they can be used anywhere you have access to hot water; at home, the office, camping trips or weekend sports with the kids.
Simply tear the top off your swag bag, secure the handles over your cup and slowly pour around 200mL of hot water in your swag bag. The multi layer paper filter gives you a clean brewed coffee flavour every time. Super convenient right?
Because there’s no brewing equipment required, our Swag Bags make an excellent gift for any coffee lover.
If you need your Swag Bags individually wrapped in bio-liners, please reply to your order confirmation email letting us know.
If you are wanting to talk about wholesale quantities, corporate gifts or just enjoy our Swags so much that you need a larger quantity individually wrapped, please email us at info@emucoffee.com.au
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